doctors note for window tint

Window tint/Docs Note - Subaru Legacy Forums - Legacy GT.
Thread: NC window tint law SUCKS. Or just get FLA tags.
Lupus General Discussions at DailyStrength: Tinted Car Windows.
Window Tint Laws (please add to this) - Page 11 -
Apr 4, 2011. Having front windows tinted is illegal in california, you cannot have it tinted unless you have a note from a doctor to allow you to have tinted.
doctors note for window tint
Tinted Windows in L.A.? - Yahoo! Answers.Apr 4, 2011. Having front windows tinted is illegal in california, you cannot have it tinted unless you have a note from a doctor to allow you to have tinted.

I was recently "prescribed" a ticket for my window tint by Michigan. Michigan state law says tint is legal on front side windows only with an optometrist's note. There is a limited exception for medical necessity with a doctor's.
window tints and fake doctor note?? - TCG. Or just get FLA tags.
Sep 4, 2011. Note : If the rear-back window is tinted, left and right rear-view mirrors. for medical reason only as attested to by medical doctor or eye doctor.
Window Tint Laws.